Command Syntax

hcprequestanalytics consists of several subcommands, each used for a specific piece of work. Use --help (or -h) for details:

 $ hcprequestanalytics -h
 usage: hcprequestanalytics [-h] [--version]
                            {load,analyze,showqueries,dumpqueries} ...

 positional arguments:
     load                load the database
     analyze             analyze the database
     showqueries         show the available queries
     dumpqueries         dump the built-in queries to stdout

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   --version             show program's version number and exit


The load subcommand loads the http gateway logs into a sqlite3 database file for later analytics:

 $ hcprequestanalytics load -h
 usage: hcprequestanalytics load [-h] -d DB logpkg

 positional arguments:
   logpkg      the HCP log package to process

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help  show this help message and exit
   -d DB       the database file


The showqueries subcommand shows the avaible queries - the ones built-in as well as the ones added through the -a parameter:

 $ hcprequestanalytics showqueries -h
 usage: hcprequestanalytics showqueries [-h] [-a ADDITIONALQUERIES] [-1]

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -a ADDITIONALQUERIES  a file containg addition queries (see documentation)
   -1                    print a concatenated list of queries, for easy cut and


The analyze subcommand runs queries against the database created with the load subcommand to create an xlsx file as result. Alternatively, a set of csv files can be requested as well.

 $ hcprequestanalytics analyze -h
 usage: hcprequestanalytics analyze [-h] [-a ADDITIONALQUERIES] -d DB
                                    [-p PREFIX] [-c] [--procs PROCESSES]
                                    [queries [queries ...]]

 positional arguments:
   queries               a list of query names, or nothing for "all"; you can
                         select a group of queries by using the first few
                         characters followed by an asteriks ('req*' for

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -a ADDITIONALQUERIES  a file containg addition queries (see documentation)
   -d DB                 the database file
   -p PREFIX             prefix for the output files
   -s                    analyze requests recorded by snodes
   -c                    create CSV files instead of a XLSX file
   --procs PROCESSES     no. of subprocesses to run, defaults to no. of CPUs


The dumpqueries subcommand dumps the built-in queries to stdout. They can be used as templates to build own queries for use with the -a parameter:

 $ hcprequestanalytics dumpqueries -h
 usage: hcprequestanalytics dumpqueries [-h]

 optional arguments:
   -h, --help  show this help message and exit